Rue de la Corraterie 5, 7 / Rue de la Cité 6, Genève


The commercial property is located in a very well frequented location between the banking district, the historic city center and the prestigious Rue du Rhône.

Build year: 1920
Renovation year: 2023

Rue de la Corraterie 5, 7 / Rue de la Cité 6, Genève

Type of use

Type m2 in %
Office 5156 m2 71%
Sales 1865 m2 25%
Others 195 m2 2%
Total rentable space 7216 m2 98%

Contacts and map

Property Management
Yann Del Cano
PSP Management Ltd
Rue des Bains 35
1205 Geneva

Phone +41 (0)22 332 25 26
Care Of
ISS Facility Services Ltd

Phone +41 79 219 71 03

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